Chapel Of Grace

Register For sunday service

In compliance with Ottawa Public Health & Provincial Authorities directives, Chapel of Grace will be resuming ‘in person’ Sunday services but with physical distancing in place and attendance limited to no more than 30% of the building’s regular capacity.
All our services will continue to be online every Sunday in addition to the gatherings in the building.
Below is a link to register for the Sunday service:

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Following the guidance given by Ottawa Public Health, we require everyone to wear a mask. By wearing a mask, you will be looking out for yourself and others. The church now has signs that will guide you on the various sanitary steps to take once you’re in. If you’ll like to join us in person, you’ll need to register here As you know, we’re careful to maintain cleanliness in our space at all times. So, during this time, we’re taking extra precautions. All worship and meeting spaces in the building will be cleaned and sanitized before and after every service. Hand sanitizing stations have also been positioned all around the church. You should see some as soon as you enter the building.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes. Pre-registration is required for seating in every service. This helps us to manage numbers and also provides a record if attendance tracing is needed. You can reserve your seat online each week, from Wednesday at 8:30AM until Saturday at 8:30AM. As spaces are limited, you’ll have to register on time if you want to worship in person.

It depends on their age. You can do so if they’re 11 years old and older. If you choose to bring your children over 11 years old, please have them stay with you at all times. They must remain seated to maintain physical distancing. Our children’s ministry and nursing facilities are currently unavailable.
Yes. Following the guidance of Ottawa Public Health, we require everyone to wear a mask. If you don’t have a mask, we’ll give you one when you arrive!
Our awesome ushers will guide each person or group with seating. We’ve rearranged our seating to physically distance one person from the next on every other row. It’ll still be warm and loving, don’t worry!
We encourage people at risk to not attend in person services. We do invite those who don’t attend the in-person service to continue to enjoy our online experience. Either way, we’re really glad you’re part of the Chapel of Grace family!

We will be online on our Facebook page Chapel of Grace  on YouTube  or Church Online starting at 10:30 AM on Sunday morning.

If you are feeling unwell please stay home and click the link Ontario Health to find out important information.

  1. Our services continue to be online. It’s so awesome to be able to stay connected through our services by streaming online.  Thanks for inviting us into your homes as we worship together through this unique time. You can worship with us on Facebook Live at Chapel of Grace,on YouTube,  or Church Online. Get your family together and worship with us!  We can’t wait to see you there!
  2. Chapel of Grace WhatsApp Group Convos sends daily inspirational messages to keep us all connected. Let us know if you would like to be added to the group by sending an email to:
  3. We’re constantly making calls to people who may be isolated to check and see if they need anything or any support. If you need some support, please let us know at, or reach out to any church member you know!
  4. We host a virtual Bible Study teaching session on Zoom every Thursday at 7:00pm which also goes on our YouTube page by Friday, and we have a virtual Prayer meeting every Friday at 7:00pm on our teleconference line. For more information on how to connect, please email us at:
  5. Every Sunday evening, we connect with the children via Zoom for Children Sunday Service at 7:00pm. If you’d like to have your children join us, please let us know at

Other Programs

Young Adults Small Groups Online (Details are provided close to the meeting day)

Men’s Early Morning Prayer – 2nd Saturday of the month

Women’s Monthly Meetings

Let’s keep pulling together, supporting each other and trusting God who is our constant hope everyday.

If you’re wondering how to give during this time – there are many ways!

Txt2Give or e-transfer to

You can mail your cheque made to RCCG – Chapel of Grace to:
Chapel of Grace
Unit 1 – 74 Colonnade Road
Nepean Ontario
K2E 7L2

You can also drop it off in an envelope in the mail slot at the church mailbox in front of the church.

Additional Information

Registration Confirmation and Screening
Guests are encouraged to arrive at the church at least 15 minutes prior to the scheduled start of the service. Upon arriving at the church, guests will proceed to the main doors. Guests will proceed to registration. Volunteers will confirm registration.

Building Access
Once registered and screened, guests will move into the sanctuary, observing physical distancing as guided by floor markers. All doors will be propped open and guests will use hand sanitizers at the stations placed in the entranceway. The experience will remain touchless except for the seats our guests sit in. There is no seating available in the lobby.

Auditorium Seating
To maintain physical distancing in the sanctuary, a seating plan has been established to ensure 2 metres are maintained between guests. You will be assisted to assigned seating.

Tithe and Offering
Offering containers will be available at the exits of the auditorium at the end of the service. Guests will continue to be encouraged to use electronic giving platforms. Those who choose to use the offering containers must use their own envelopes. Offering envelops and pens will not be provided at this time.

Exiting the Building
Upon conclusion of the service, guests may be dismissed by sections to assist in maintaining physical distancing. This will be coordinated by the ushering team. The goal will be to minimize clusters at any time. Guests are encouraged to maintain physical distancing while on the church property.

Washroom Usage
The men’s & women’s washrooms will be available for use. The doors to the washrooms will be propped open. Guests will be encouraged to use the washroom only if absolutely necessary and only once all the guests are seated for the service. A washroom attendant will manage washroom usage to ensure only one person uses the washroom after it has been disinfected. The sink will be disinfected after each use.

Our children’s ministry and nursery would not be available at this time. So, if you have any child or ward below the age of 11, you are encouraged to join us online. Parents who register and bring their children above 11 years old would be responsible for such children during the service.

Thank you so much! We love you and can’t wait to have you with us again.


Service Times

Worship Service

Sundays 10:30 AM

Bible Study

Thursdays 6:30 PM

Prayer Meeting

Fridays 7:00 PM

Faith Clinic

2nd Fridays 6:30 PM

Thanksgiving Service

1st Sundays 10 AM

Plan your visit

We’d love to connect with you and see how we can best serve you and your family!

Get here by car, bus, or with our shuttle service


We invite you to come as you are because that’s how Jesus invites you to come: Just as you are.
